2016-2017 QBPC Annual Top Ten Cases in IP Protection and Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative and Judicial IP Enforcement Exchange Meeting

品保委主席 张为安 Mr. Jack Chang QBPC Chairman
中华人民共和国公安部经济犯罪侦查局副局长 张景利 Mr. Jingli Zhang Deputy Director General Economic Crime Investigation Department Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China
欧盟知识产权局 公使衔参赞 Mr. Günther Marten Minister Counsellor EUIPO IP Attaché – Trade Section
美国大使馆知识产权专员 Mr. Joel Blank Intellectual Property Attaché U.S. Patent and Trademark Office U.S. Embassy Beijing
国际刑警组织官员Mengen Jiang Ms. Grace Jiang Criminal Intelligence Officer Illicit Goods and Global Health Programme INTERPOL
海关总署政策法规司知识产权处处长 黄建华 Mr. Jianhua Huang Director General of IPR Division Department of Policy and Legal Affairs General Administration of Customs of PRC
英国驻华大使馆高级知识产权主管 Mr. Tom Duke Senior IP officer British Embassy Beijing
德意志联邦共和国驻华使馆参赞 Mr. Markus Richter, LL.M. Counsellor Intellectual Property Rights and Legal Affairs Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Beijing
世界知识产权组织中国办事处项目官员 张俊琴 Ms. Junqin Zhang Program Officer WIPO Office in China
日本贸易振兴机构北京办事处知识产权部 Mr. Tomotaka HOMMA Director of IPR Department JETRO Beijing Office
全球反假冒组织主席 Mr. John Anderson Chair of Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group
中国外商投资企业协会副会长 李玲 Madame Ling Li Vice Chairman China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment
张为安主席颁发感谢牌 Mr. Jack Chang is presenting the Appreciation Plaque
Mr. Jingli Zhang is presenting the Appreciation Plaque
黄建华处长颁发感谢牌 Mr. Jianhua Huang is presenting the Appreciation Plaque